Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Clever Cussing:

The Old Dominion, where I call home, is one of the leading states in the Union for customized or vanity plates. I was just parked in the local hospital lot; three cars, including mine (above) in adjacent spaces had special messages on the plates. I'll let you figure out what mine says; the SUV parked right in front of mine sported the owners' initials, while the compact to my left said "GRN APLE," I assume in reference to the car's color and round shape.

I doubt that the DMV has any more idea than some of you what my license plate says. They make it their business, though, to make sure that it doesn't say, particular things. Here in the home of Southern gentility we don't allow, the "vulgar, offensive, sexually explicit, excretory related, or messages that promote violence or illegal activities. Some combinations of letters and numbers are immediately rejected. Others that arouse suspicion are run through a software program, that considers backward as well as frontward reading. Finally, if there is still reason for concern doubtful combos are run by a 20 person committee. Even after all that screening some still get by. Last year, around 100 complaints were lodged here. Here is one that machines and people missed, "NOGOD." You can be an atheist in these parts, the state just won't help you advertise it.

As I read the article in the Roanoke times where I gathered this information (4/13, p.10) I thought, how sad that all that creativity is being directed at saying things, that in most cases would be better off unsaid. There is a prohibition given to followers of God in Ephesians 5:4, that fits here. Look at it. Take time to investigate the words.

More than what I have said here, It's STTA

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