Most every Friday something happens that greatly improves my home. It is not an addition, or a repaint, and it doesn't involve anything new. The trash truck comes and hauls away several bags of st uff, some of it well on its way to rotten. As I saw the truck go by my picture window this morning my mind went back to a couple of houses I'd been in over my six decades of life. I remember one where I had to turn sideways to slide betweèn piles of stuff. I had been to the door of one house a number of times, but when I finally entered I understood why I had never been invited in. I stepped over a heap of stuff to arrive in the living room. A good half a pickup truck load of stuff lie between the chair where the lady of the house sat and the TV. The pile reached to just below the line of sight. Not only was every other piece of furniture in the room covered--as in at least a foot deep--with paper, etc., but there was no open place big enough for a chair. I took a chair from the kitchen and put it on the floor furnace. I was very glad the heat didn't come on. In another house I was afraid to sit--the chairs were encrusted with well-aged and various remains--and I'll spare you the smell of another that nearly knocked me down. Thankfully my experience with that kind of trash and filth has been limited. Far and away most houses I have been in have been clean and welcoming. Not so with many of the lives I have observed. People hoard trashy and destructive material in their hearts. In fact everyday, via the internet and other media they pile yet more trash into their minds. Like real world hoarders, from time to time they will think about cleaning out the mess, they may even throw out a few items, but they soon grow weary, a new temptation distracts them, and they settle back into the filth. I'll not insult you by acting like dealing with such a problem is easy or quick. It isn't, but it can happen; in fact I'll assure you it will happen if you seriously turn to the Lord. The Lord is in the trash business. He takes it away.
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