A couple of days ago I told you about some new friends I met. If you missed it click here. (I know I was supposed to get back to you yesterday, but you know . . .)
It was my privilege to meet representatives from GIDI, The Evangelical Church of Indonesia, while I was in Palau. The Palauan Evengelical Church was celebrating the 85th Anniversary of the Gospel coming to their Islands. The Evangelical Church of Indonesia is just over 50 years old. You can read a bit of the history here. (At left the two groups meet to sign the mission agreement.)
Both groups have a commendable zeal for sharing the Good News about Jesus with others who have not heard. Palau is a tiny nation, about 20,000 in population. Indonesia is a Muslim country. In both places the church is new, and still has internal issues to sort out. Yet, these are people who take seriously the Great commission to make disciples of all nations. The two groups are partnering to reach out to the unreached on the Island Papua, (New Guinea) Indonesia.
E ven newer is a church among an even smaller, younger people group. My friends and associates Doug and Dorcas Williams have been instruments in God's hands to reach out to the Awa, a tribe that lives in the Highlands of Ecuador. I have met Paulino and Milton, the Elders of the church there. Both of them are first generation Christians. In a few weeks they will be leading the Awa for the first time, ever, without any assistance from missionaries. (At right is a group of Awa children at one of the meeting places of the Awa church.) They have already been taking steps to reach out to Awa communities where the Gospel has not yet been taught.
So, what am I doing with the opportunities God has given me?
It's Something to Think About.
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