I don't know, maybe it's just the view from where I sit, but it appears to me that dressing up in a costume and wearing a mask has gotten bigger among adults than it used to be. It might be an accompaniment to the move away from Trick-or-Treat and toward events like Trunk-or-Treat. To get into the spirit of the events, lots of adults assume the role of somebody or something else. I don't remember stores selling adult costumes back in the day. I've noticed ads for them a couple of times lately. Whether the number of adults "dressing up as" is really more than it used to be or not, it is clear that a lot of we grown-ups are working really hard every day to not let others know who we really are. That's not all together bad. An employee who is angry at his boss probably ought to keep that hidden until he gets it settled. Otherwise she/he will have to assume a new role--unemployed. And please take note that I'm only saying this might be a good idea for a short time. Ultimately the answer is not to cover your anger but to deal with it and become not angry. I've worn masks. It's hard work. Every day, every moment, one must make sure that the masquerade is properly adjusted. You tend to not look folk in the eye, because then they are looking in yours. You can't disguise what shines--or fails to shine--out from these windows to the soul. Since the getup I've adopted isn't really me I have to put out a lot of effort. I can't really live life. I end up being like an actor assuming the role of a character who is living life. It'll wear you out. Some folk have the mistaken notion that Christianity is just a new role, a new way of appearing, a smiling mask in a frowning world. Here is the good news from the Bible.
“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17, NASB95)
It's not a way of acting. Christianity is new life that begins on the inside at the very core of my being. As you help your kids or grandkids "dress up" this week, maybe as you yourself assume another role to help others have fun, ask yourself, beneath it all, who am I. That is the level where Jesus Christ wants to meet you and change you. Find out more below.
It's Something To Think About.Here is a site where you can find out about Jesus Christ and His plan for you. You'll find several opportunities to explore. If we can help you, let us know.We would love for you to make the Live Nativity a part of your Christmas Season. It is a very family friendly activity.
Click the picture for more information.
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