Several of us spent some time this morning talking about humility. It is a somewhat slippery concept. False humility while it may bear some resemblance to the real thing is likely to end up being the opposite--pride. We tend to appreciate humility in others, but we aren't so good at practicing it ourselves. The book we are using for our study says that humility is seeing one's self as God does. C. S. Lewis said, “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” When we are truly humble we have an uplifting influence on others around us. "There is a loftier ambition than merely to stand high in the world. It is to stoop down and lift mankind a little higher." A good bit of our discussion this morning had to do with knowing, and being content in the place we should occupy. God has given each of abilities and opportunities. To ignore those resources and with false humility claim that we can't do what we clearly can is not humility. It is a refusal serve others, and thus to place a greater focus on self than we should. I do need to see myself as God does, and then act like it. That's a lifetime task, and . . .
Here is a site where you can find out about Jesus Christ and His plan for you. You'll find several opportunities to explore. If we can help you, let us know.We would love for you to make the Live Nativity a part of your Christmas Season. It is a very family friendly activity.
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