I've never been all that impressed with New Year's resolutions. I have noticed that they generally have a very short shelf-life, and I always wonder what is special about January 1. Why not start that diet on December 3 or February 27? Having said that, if the passing of the old year gives you incentive to start doing something that you ought to do, go for it. I think the operative word in the sentence above is "doing." Too often we live our lives in the realm of "gonna." I'm gonna lose weight. I'm gonna start having a qui et time with the Lord. I'm gonna quit that bad habit. Etc, etc. If you have a list tacked on a bulletin board in your mind that says, "Stuff I oughta do and am gonna do, as soon as I get a round-tuit." Pick something on that list and actually start doing it. If you must, start doing it on January 1. I'd encourage you, though, to do it now. As Yoda might say, "Resolve not. Do!"
From a time not so long ago and a Galaxy quite near . . .
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