I can just about hear it now. "Moses, are you sure this is the way?" I hope you guys won't hate me for this, but if Mrs. Moses had asked this question I wouldn't think it unreasonable. In fact, I figure that more than one of the Jews on the trek to the promised land, must have wondered, "Does God know the way?" It's not a blasphemous question if we don't ask it in a blasphemous way or with derisive intent. There were more direct routes to the land between the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea. If you have any idea where you are going, you may have noticed that you aren't on the most direct route, either. God didn't book you in first class, in fact, you might be stuck beside the road with a flat tire, at this very moment, and you wonder, "Does God have a clue?" A friend recently shared a message from Deuteronomy 8. One of the realities he pointed to was that part of God's purpose for the people of Israel was to "humble [them], test . . . [them], to know what was in [their] heart, whether [they] would keep His commandments or not" (Deuteronomy 8:2). The next verse even says that He let them be hungry. Ta lk about cruelty. My friend pointed out that all through the Bible we find God humbling and testing His people. Romans 8, 1 Corinthians 10, Hebrews 5:8, & 12 are several examples.
There is a balance we need to see. It was not only God's intent to toughen them through difficulties that they could bear, He protected them from dangers too great for them.
“Now when Pharaoh had let the people go, God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near; for God said, “The people might change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt.”” (Exodus 13:17, NASB95)
I can hear some of you, "The Lord let my brother die in a car wreck," and, "I lost my health in. . . . " Where was the Lord then? When you read those Romans 8, and Hebrews 12 passages you'll notice that there is some disagreement about destination. We think we know where we want to go. Our Lord knows for sure where we need to go.
Back in Sunday School we used to sing,
"My Lord knows the way through the Wilderness. All I have to do is follow."
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