"Our society has replaced heroes with celebrities, the quest for a well-informedcharacter with the search for flat abs, substance and depth with image and personality." (Moreland, J.P.. Love Your God with All Your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul (Kindle Locations 122-123). NavPress. Kindle Edition.)
I'm teaching a class on thinking. J. P. Moreland's book, from which the above quotation is taken, is required reading. In writing a report on the book, I think more students referenced the flat-abs line than anything else. It does capture the mood of our day. Sadly, Moreland isn't only talking about the nonChristian world. He is talking about the church--in particular the Evangelical Church. Go to what used to be called a Christian book-store and you'll get an illustration of the phenomena. There was a time when such shops contained books--serious books, books that one has to work to read. In the end, though, if one takes the time to work through this kind of book it will make one smarter, wiser, and more mature. Now one almost has to ask where the books are located. They tend to get lost behind all the cute figurines and other Gospel kitsch. Look at this cartoon.
Linus is right. Sound Theology, and, for that matter, other kinds of sound thinking do make us feel better. You have to work to get there, though. Too many of want to go straight to the feel-good, without ever passing through the work-hard.
Thanks, class, for teaching your teacher. It is indeed . . .
STTA (Something To Think About).