Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Debate, Our Decision:



Jim Denison asks an interesting question, "What would God say about last night's debate?"  He's not assuming the mantle of a prophet, but looking at what God has said in the Bible, and applying that to what he heard.  His bottom line conclusion is that God would be grieved because of the division of our nation.  Quoting Lee Drutman of the New York Times, Denison points out that "Rather than being one two-party nation, we are becoming two one-party nations."
It might even be worse than that, but before I comment on that, consider the tendency we have to cherry-pick an event like last night's debate.  We come into the room looking for "facts" that make the other side look bad, while we listen for that which supports our prejudice.  Interviews I heard this morning confirm that "confirmation bias" is alive and well.
Actually, our situation might be worse than two one-party nations.  Out in the realm of those who had no place on the stage, are the voices who say neither of these candidates represent us.  Considering where the current political system has led us, their complaint has merit.  "Is this the best we can do?" is a question that has been heard a lot lately.  One man I heard in an interview spoke of being apathetic, add to that crowd the apoplectic, and there are a lot of folk filling in the spaces between the candidates.
We as Christ's followers are called to be "salt and light."  
 In our current situation I think that has less to do with the political process than it does with the process that leads to the political process.  God's people need to be thinking based on a Biblical worldview.  We need to do so so effectively that others around us will see that way of thinking as valid.  This is in no way an expression of defeatism.  I have read the book.  In the end my side wins.  What I'm suggesting is that we ought to have a greater focus on my platform, as compared to any platform of any political party.  How can I affect my family, my friends, my community.  The early church was completely disenfranchised, yet they changed the world.  I'm not recommending abandoning the political process.  I am suggesting that putting too much hope in it is not wise.

It's STTA.

Click here, to find out about what Christ has done for our world. 

Monday, September 26, 2016

A Voice of Sorrow



If you put your ear to the Bible, you can often hear the sadness.  Psalm 81:13 is one example.  Can you hear the pleading, the sorrow in the Lord's voice as He declares, "Oh that My people would listen to Me."  Those are not the words of one who just wants to get his own way.  That lament comes from a heart that wants what is best for His wayward people.
A couple of verses before we read these sad words, "
My people did not listen to My voice. . . . So I gave them over to the stubbornness of their heart"  (Ps 81:11–12).  "Gave them over," you find those words three times in Romans 1:18-32.  We mistakenly think that Romans 1 is referring to some particularly evil group of people--a place where wickedness is so bad that property values plummet.  Or, we figure it is about some particularly wicked time, perhaps even a prediction of the final falling away before the Lord returns to bring things to a final conclusion.  I don't think so.  I think what Paul is describing is the condition of people, apart from God's grace ever since the first sin in the Garden of Eden.  Like our first ancestors we continue to believe the lie and grasp for that which we think will make us better, but which, instead, gives incalculable misery.
You have to focus your listening.  Somehow you have to cut through the din of racket that fills our world wall-to-wall, but if you do, you'll hear a loving, sad voice, "Oh that My people would listen to Me."  It is the voice of a loving Father to his wayward children.  He wants them to flourish.  He knows they will wither and die if they persist in going their own way.  To force us would be contrary to the nature of love, so He pleads.

It's STTA.

Click here, to find out about has been done so that each of us can have eternal life--a life begins here in this messy world, where God desires that we make a flourish.  

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Search not the internet to know for whom the siren wails.


It's about me:


If John Donne were  a 21st Century American, he might very well write, ". . . search not the internet to know for whom the siren wails.  It wails for thee."
A relative of mine works at UNC Charlotte, friends of mine live in that community.  What is going on in Tulsa and Charlotte is not unrelated to reality here in the quiet community I call home.  I'll not argue for one version of the facts over another.  Actions--probably actions on both sides of the horribly complicated situation are being driven not by facts (alone), but by perceptions--perceptions only partially fueled by facts.  The rest of the space is filled with inappropriate conclusions, generalizations, prejudice, fear, and anger.
The perception that a portion of our population is being dealt with unjustly, by the very people they should be looking to for justice, has to be recognized and dealt with.  The perception that we cannot trust law-enforcement personnel to make good faith decisions, rather we must demand 24/7 video footage so we can make up our own mind is problematic and must be addressed.  We often miss the point of the Good Samaritan storythat Jesus told.  The story comes at the end of a dialogue between Jesus and a man who was "put[ting Jesus] to the test,"  and who had a desire to "justify himself."  His opening question to the Lord was representative of the "I'm better than these other folk because I keep the law" mentality of the religious leaders we often meet in the Gospels  (Look here for another example.)  Jesus both pointed out how utterly misdirected the man's system of righteousness was, and the impossibility of him doing, through self-effort, what he needed to "do to inherit eternal life."  The expert on the law was asking the question, "Who is my neighbor?" in order to narrow the field.  It is hard to love my neighbor my neighbor as myself. I need to make the group who are my neighbors as small as possible, hopefully limiting it to others like me.  That way, since I'm loving others who are just like me, it won't be hard for me to love them just like I love me.
I figure as the man heard Jesus begin to tell about the man who was beaten and robbed that he asked, "Yes this is a veryinteresting story, but what does it have to do with my questions?"  At the end Jesus reaches across the greatest cultural divide that existed in First Century Judaism and says, "You see that Samaritan, on the far side of the cultural landscape?  He is your neighbor.  The implication being that everyone else, between me and him is my neighbor as well.  In looking for self-generated righteousness the legal expert wanted to know, in essence,  "Whom can I leave beside the road, walking by without a concern, secure in my path to eternal life--whom can I treat as a non-neighbor?"
Jesus shocking answer basically meant, "Nobody. There is no one who comes into contact with you that is exempt from this obligation. We agree on the mandate to love God with all your heart, soul, strength, and mind.  You even acknowledge that you need to love your neighbor as yourself.  Here is where we disagree.  You see everyone who is different from you as a non-neighbor.  I am saying they are."

I can't pick up every roadside casualty in world, but in my little spot on the globe Good Samaritan opportunities present themselves quite frequently.  Is my behavior toward my neighbor leading toward, or away from what is going on in Tulsa and Charlotte?  The siren's wail serves as a reminder.

It's STTA.

Click here, to find out about has been done so that each of us can have eternal life--a life begins here in this messy world, where God desires that we make a difference.  

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Shut Up To Be Appreciated



As I write this, I'm listening to a story about Vin Scully.  For longer than most of us have been alive, he has been the broadcaster for the Dodgers.  He began in Brooklyn and then followed the Franchise to Los Angeles.  Think of all the incredible baseball moments that Scully announced.  Yet in the interview what stood out was not what he had said, but those times he had chosen to say nothing.  
The Sound of Silence

Like Scully, I have spent my life running my mouth.  Like the sports-caster, as I look back, I am impressed with the power of silence--not the silence of cowardice, or ineptitude--dead-air--but the quiet that exudes from having wisdom enough to know that what I have to say at this moment is probably not the most important sound in the room.

I'm still working on that.

It's STTA.

Click here, to find out more about preparing for a meeting when "every mouth will be stopped.".  

— Scully on the art of silence:
“I love it. It’s probably selfish on my part. When I was about 8 years old, the reason I went in this direction … we have a big old four legged radio. I would get a pillow and a glass of milk and some saltine crackers and I would crawl under the radio to listen to a football game. I knew nothing about [the teams]. But the roar of the crowd absolutely intoxicated me. That’s what drew me to get into sports. Now I try to shut up so I can enjoy the roar of the crowd.”
(Dan Patrick Show)

"I need to be quiet and let folk hear something far more important than cheering crowd."  (hm)

Friday, September 16, 2016

Families aren't formed quickly.

Not One Crushing Blow, but a Steady Erosion:


I just spent a wonderful several days with my siblings and in-laws.  It has been a long time since we all lived together on Blaine Avenue, but all of us continue to bear the image of Doc and Irene Merrell.  Sure, there were crisis events that left an imprint on us, but mainly we were shaped by a slow steady force.  It was kind of like water running over a rock.  In an hour, a day, or a week, you can't see any impression, but over the long-term the difference that is made is undeniable.
Irene and Doc were remarkable only for the high level of ordinariness that they exhibited.  A blue-collar dad, a stay-at-home mom, a house in the suburbs, and a succession of Chevys, Fords, Buicks, Dodges, Frasiers, Crosleys, Ramblers, a Kaiser, a Pontiac, a VW, a Renault . . . (OK, Dad was extraordinary at buying cars.), a small church in the suburbs, and trips to visit the grandparents every summer.  Yet, remarkable things have come out of that little rancher in a neighborhood, that looked like the model for an oddball hit song fifty years ago.
It would be dishonest for me to claim that everything has gone well for the Merrell family.  It hasn't.  That was part of what we talked about and prayed about at our reunion.  Still, especially considering the overall direction of this world, things have gone remarkably well.  As parents we tend to look for ways to hit home-runs.  If life gives you a hanging curve-ball in the sweet spot, by all means swing for the fence, but know that mostly you will progress in the parenting game, by patiently enduring and drawing walk, by watching for that opportunity to steal second, and bunting in a critical situation, because it is the best chance you have--little by little, inch by inch.
It worked on me.

It's STTA.

Sunday, September 11, 2016




On this anniversary of 9/11 we are in the midst of a rancorous political campaign.  Rhetoric about walls emails, competence, and security abounds.  The mud-slinging is so severe that not only are candidates dirtied, but whole groups of citizens are made to look like they just emerged from a swamp.
If we aren't careful we can get so carried away with concerns over security and being politically correct, or brandishing our incorrectness that we forget something very important.
I only have a minute to write this--please forgive any typos--I'm going to church then leaving to spend a few days with my family.  I encourage you to do the same, not specifically, but in general.  

Go out and live!

I'm not talking about irresponsibility, but an enjoyment of and appreciation for God's blessings.  Read the book of Ecclesiastes.  There is no doubt God wants us to enjoy life.  The Apostle Paul wrote a little letter while under house arrest on trumped up charges.  You can't read Philippians without tripping over joy.
I have to go.  On this day of remembrance hug a loved one, look at the sky, feel the breeze, kiss your spouse--more if you choose--hold a baby, pet a dog, lick an ice cream cone, savor a good cup of coffee, roll the windows down and go for a ride, tell your loved ones that you love them--

It's STTA.

Want to live forever?  Click here, to find out more.  


Thursday, September 8, 2016

Flying Burritos:



I predict there will jokes-a-plenty about how the thing runs ongas, or about the extra hot-sauce overheating the motors.  Here it comes, though, to a University near me, drone delivered burritos.  Just a short time ago I passed on news about pizzas arriving on little copters down under.  Now I read that Chipotle, Google, and Virginia Tech have teamed up to test burrito's from the sky.
Stephen, Sarah, let me know if they arrive still hot.
If I were a student at Tech, I'd probably order some Mexi-drone food.  There just has to be a Beamer Special, or maybe they come with Hokie Sauce.  I'd probably go out in the yard and video my supper arriving.  It's pretty kewl, but I read news like this with a pang of conviction.
While others are so busy figuring out new ways to get pizza and burritos into people's hands, mouths, and stomachs, not to mention money in the suppliers account; what am I doing to make the Good News about Jesus to those who need it.  To horribly mix my metaphors what we need is not a better way to remotely impact the world (the idea is not new), we needboots on the ground.
Enjoy your pizza and burritos, whether they come by air or in the family car, but let's be sure that we pray, live lives that show forth the truth of God, and share the Good News whenever we have opportunity.
It may be remote, but I'd love to make it up close and personal--If you don't know about the Good News, of which I speak, clink on the link at the end of this email

It's STTA.

Want to find out about the Good News?  Click here.  

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Pearls, Hogs, & A Locker Room--A Valuable Lesson


Why would You Cast Those Pearls Before Those Hogs?


I'm teaching a Marriage and Family class at Pacific Islands University.  Part of what we are working on is getting started well--mate selection.  I've been spending a great deal of time with my past. I'm using the story of how Kathy and I got together as a discussion starter for the class.  I was reminded of an incident that happened to me fairly early in our relationship, while we were still in high school.
I was on the wrestling team at Bremen High School, so in the winter the end of my school day was spent in a locker room showering and getting ready to go home.  I don't remember how the subject came up, but I began to talk to some of my fellow wrestlers about Kathy.  She was a favorite subject of of conversation.  My friends on the team weren't particularly bad guys, just average American boys.  Soon, however, I became concerned about the conversation.  Anything, and I meananything, I said about Kathy was instantly distorted and turned into something dirty.
Did I love Kathy at the time?  We'll save that argument for another day.  While my feelings for her and more importantly my commitment to her and to God concerning her, had not yet matured, I did cherish her.  I knew beyond any shadow of a doubt that I didn't want to do anything that would cause her name to be associated with the kind of conversation that I heard coming from my friend's lips or saw in the smirks on their faces.  I decided that I would never talk of Kathy again in that context.  As far as I remember, I never did, again.
That locker room commitment was the first of many.  Jesus tells of His goal for His bride in Ephesians 5:26-27.  He wants to "sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless."
Guys, we are to follow that example.  We are to not only protect our wives, but cherish them, and keep  their name from being sullied.  I  learned that when I was still practicing.  Now, almost fifty years later, I see way to many guys who failed to learn that lesson.  They have never grown past the mentality of my foul-mouthed, leering high-school comrades.
Hogs don't know how to deal with pearls.

It's STTA.