Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Again and again lately, both personally and vicariously, I have been reminded that those things that really matter are not in my control. If I sit down and think about it, I see that really nothing is. I recently got on an airplane. Well-wishers told me to travel safely. I know what they mean. It is a wish that flows from kindness, but the farewell wish always strikes me as strange. What can I do to be safe? I suppose the fact that I don't try to open a hatch and jump midflight is something. In reality, though, I sit down, buckle up and the whole thing's out of my hands.
My health?
I try, I'm going to go exercise in a bit, but I know lots of really fit folk who die in all sorts of ways.
My wealth?
I have cash in my wallet that is just paper, money in the bank that is no more than code on a computer, and house and investments that could vanish in a puff.
I could go on, but let me tell you what tipped off this line of thinking. An email subject--maybe some of my fellow pastors received it as well--"77 Ready to Use Graphics to Increase Giving." Really? Do I print them on paper, project them on a screen, or subliminally inject them into rich people's minds? I didn't even open the email. I'm sure they are very nice pieces of art. No doubt they have been market tested and there are numbers to back up the claim. I guess I was just struck by the Svengali-ness of the subject line, when taken at face value. "You see all those people out there in church? I can make them do whatever I want them to do. If I show them these pictures they'll give more money."
My mind goes in several directions on this one. Is this how we ought to help people decide about their investment in God's work? Is this what we have really come to? Preachers used to teach about what God's Word says about stewardship; now we show pictures. I know these thoughts are tinged with cynicism. My main thought though is all about realizing my weakness. The actions of others are one of the classes of things that are beyond my control. Not onlyare they, in a reality sense, they should be, in an ethical sense. Unless you are my child or employee or student, or some other relationship like that, I don't have a right to tell you what to do. Even when I am in charge, my authority has limits.
I'm not in control. On my better days, that compels me to trust the Lord more fervently. It's a good thing when I realize that I'm out of control.

It's STTA (Something To Think About). 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Friends, Worth the Trouble


are worth

the trouble

For all of the criticism of Facebook, many of us find it to be a tool that is genuinely useful in maintaining friendships. The social-media program helps me maintain contact with "real world" friends, and has even enhanced some relationships I have that, as of yet, have not ventured out of the cyber world.
Like many of you, though, I’ve almost quit accepting friend requests. It's not that I've become unfriendly or grown adverse to meeting new people. My reluctance to clicking "accept" has to do with the rash of Facebook hacking. My account and many of my friend's Facebook personas have been seized by people with nothing better to do. One way the viral activity spreads is through sending friend requests. So if I get a request from Nozzle Ditrim, before I accept it, the responsible thing for me to do is to check my friend list to see if Nozzle is already on my list of friends. If Mr. Ditrim is already my friend, that's a pretty good indication that someone has gotten hold of old Nozzle's account, and intends to use it to spread something nefarious. Since I don't always have time to check, I often don't respond. I don't figure that Ditrim much cares. He's got a tough hide. But when Sweet Polly, new account and all, sends me a request I ignore it can be bothersome.
It's sad that bad people are messing with a good--at least for some--medium. It's far worse, however, when out in the real world we go into protective mode and fail to make new friends, or maintain old 
ones, because it might lead to pain. I've got news for you. Friendship is always painful. Sooner or later it will hurt, but it's worth it.

It's STTA (Something To Think About). 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Working at TEAMWORK



But it's worth it

Lately my concept of working with, on, for, and through a team has been stretched. My collaborative skills needed expanding. I've never been anti-teamwork. It's just that:
  • I come from an individualistic culture.
  • Back in high school, while I enjoyed being on a team, the wrestling team is really a collection of individual achievers.
  • Most of my life was spent in a career when I was the only full-time worker at the church where I served.
In other words, I've had a lot more experience with go-it-alone, than I have with go-team.

Now, I find myself in a situation where a lot of what I need to get done is stuff that I can't do. I am surrounded by people both way more capable than I am, and yet people who need something I can contribute to make their work more effective. Sometimes it is collaboration; They bring A, I contribute B, and the resulting C is far bigger than either A or B. On other occasions I am a catalyst; very little of what I have done is seen in the final product, but something from me has made that end-result possible. I'm impressed with the power of cheering, or encouragement. I'd say I'm the recipient of more of that team-spirit than I give out. It's not as much fun--on either end--but challenge is a powerful part of working together. Others around me will get in my face. "I don't think that's right," or, "I don't think that's your best."
When you combine all of that with the fact that I'm surrounded by folk who live and breath a lifestyle much more community oriented than the one I'm familiar with, you can see why the concept of team is growing in me. I'd suggest that working as a team is a paradigm you should give more attention to. If you do think about it, it'll be the result of one more element of teamwork in action. Teammates help one another consider . . . .

It's STTA (Something To Think About). 

Here is a different presentation of the Good News in Christ. 

You can find several ways to explore the Message of Grace here.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Maintaining the balance between expecting a miracle and walking in the mundane:



I appreciate taking giant leaps. I totally believe in the God of miracles. Even in the ordinary realm of getting from one place to another, as much as I dislike standing in line, being X-rayed, and asking myself a million times if I have my passport, I really like getting in a plane and getting out thousands of miles away a few hours later. Right now, my prayer list contains requests for a couple of things that fall in the shock and awe category. Yet, while I pray for, wait for, even expect--on my more faith-full days--the amazing, I need to not despise the mundane.
Again, "Blessed are the Balanced."I (OK, the point could be made that people who have enough sense to not stand on beach balls, especially if they weigh a couple of tons are truly blessed, but cut me some slack.)
I look at one of the times in Bible history that was weighted down with miracles, the months surrounding God's deliverance of his people from Egypt, yet in the midst of Divine plagues, paths through the sea, pillars of fire and bread from heaven there was the totally ordinary exercise of walking. How did the people of Israel get from Egypt to Canaan? On the one hand, the answer is, "It was through a series of miracles." In another way, though, it is entirely accurate to say, "They walked."
I'm working to balance on those two realities, and I'm not doing it with nearly as much grace as a large pachyderm doing a circus trick.
Here are some of the realities, as I see reality that I'm seeking to hold in the right tension. I can't turn loose of either end:

  • God expects me to do my very best today < > My best is insufficient.
  • God generally uses human instruments < > All those human instruments, including me are terribly inadequate.
  • The miraculous is not miraculous to God, and the mundane is full of God's hidden (to me) hand of providence.
  • I ought to be properly concerned, but I should not worry.
If you see me wobbling, you are seeing correctly. I identify with the man who proclaimed, "I do believe!" but before he drew another breath asked, "Help my unbelief" (Mark 9:24).
I don't know, but I figure some of you have the same struggles. It's not only something to think about; it's something to pray about. Let's work on it together.

It's STTA (Something To Think About). 

Here is a different presentation of the Good News in Christ.
You can find several ways to explore the Message of Grace here.