I have the privilege of serving the Lord in a really great church. One example of CBC's heart for ministry is this morning twenty-five CBC-ers are waking up in Schroon Lake New York. Though the Adirondacks are a beautiful place to take a vacation, these folk aren't there to relax. They are investing a week of their lives in the ministry of Word of Life. WoL operates Bible Camps, a College level Bible Institute, and assists churches around the world in reaching and discipling young people. I'm looking forward to hearing reports on what this crew accomplishes. The fact is, though, these people aren't the only ones from my church who are on mission. I've got a day full of appointments, including one to encourage an old friend with serious health needs. A number have already started their work day. As I type kids are on the bus headed for school. There are neighbors we need to reach out to, kids who need a mentor, folk everywhere crying out for someone to love them, opportunities to show the love of Christ in practical ways.
Matthew 28:19 says the followers of Christ are to go and make disciples. We tend to emphasize the "Go." Really the going is kind of assumed. Wherever you go be in the disciple making business. Live deliberately in such a way that you point others to Christ. Wherever "here" is for you, for me, there is work to be done for the Lord. I'm looking forward to hearing about how the Lord uses my church family wherever we are.
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