I don't want to say anything here that appears to diminish God's sovereignty, His absolute right to rule in our lives, and the fact that in when all is said and done, it will be what God has said that is done. Contained within God's infinite, all-encompassing plan is the the concept that is emphas ized in the passage of Scripture that we are dealing with this Sunday, at CBC. In 1 Peter 5:2, the fisherman-Apostle says to the Elders of this church in exile. "I want you watch over God's flock, not because you must, but because you are willing." (NIV) Other translations use the word "voluntarily." The Greek word behind these translations is only found twice in the New Testament. The other occasion is Hebrews 10:26, and speaks of sinning willingly. We can willingly do what God doesn't want or we can willingly bow to His will. We can choose. What we can't choose is to avoid the consequences of our choice. Find out more Sunday, but in the mean time . . .
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