Friday, March 4, 2011

Don't Look!

When one arrives at a "certain age" he can look back and think of times that when a voice from within or on the outside said, "Don't Look." I look back with gratitude for the warnings that prevented certain scenes from becoming part of the photo-album of my mind. There are some pictures in those collections that cause me to wish I had listened. Pictures are instantly uploaded to this most sophisticated of computers, but only erased with great difficulty--if at all.
Traffic always slows down near a wreck. Everyone wants to get a look, even though they know they should "move on along." There is at least a bit of the Voyeur in each of us.
There is a mammoth industry that depends on getting us to look. From a young woman with a last name made famous by hotels, to cute drug addicts with an eye for jewelry, to athletes who live like adult-empowered two-year-olds, to funny men whose lives have become decidedly non-humorous there is a perverted ugly co-dependency. Certain TV outlets, internet sites, magazines, agents, and a whole host of other parasites attempt to keep these human carwrecks in front of us as long as there is a dime to be made. As long as we, like rats in an experiment, push the lever one more time, getting our "Ooh," "Ahh,", or even
"Yuk!" fix, the sorry spectacle goes on.
Can we just all agree that we aren't going to expend any energy or especially money, to find out out what she stole, or how much cocaine he snorted with however many prostitutes in tow. Perhaps inquiring minds want to know, but wise souls realize they a better off to stay ignorant of some things. I sincerely hope these tragic folk find help, but I am trying to maintain a stance--"Watch my mouth. What part of 'I don't care!' don't you understand?" Sure there is this tousle-headed boy somewhere between my ears who keeps jumping up and down saying, "I wanna see! I wanna see!" I'm remembering the times when folk wisely told me, "Don't look," and telling him the same.

I want to listen to those wise voices more. Perhaps this STTA is one of those voices you need to hear.

It's STTA.

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