Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I had just done the final burst on my Airdyne, so it may be that all the blood had gone out of my cranium, but I think I heard the news say that a majority of Americans thought we needed to rally around a hopeful message. "Amen!" says the oxygen deprived one.  But--and that is a big word right here--but, what do we hope for? All across America, right down to the little community where I live, it seems there is agreement on one thing.  We are in a mess.  Once you get beyond that generic observation, though, unity splatters like my wife's china bowl after I drop it on the ceramic floor.   
More laws.
Fewer regulations.
Tighten the borders.
Remember we are a nation of immigrants.
Free Trade!
Impose Tarrifs.
Occupy Wall Street or put them all in jail.
So for what do we hope?
I'm not encouraging civic lethargy, but if I might be so bold I'd like to give an answer I once heard from Curly Fine, of Three Stooges fame.  When asked if he was a Democrat or a Republican, I believe he answered, "Neither.  I'm a Pedestrian."  Our hope ought to not be based in what the government can do but in the way we walk, 
and that's where God's word comes in.  Scripture frequently gives instructions for walking in such a way that engenders legitimate hope.  Here is one example:  ". . . walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love. . . . just as also you were called in one hope of your calling;" (Ephesians 4:1-4)  
Let's rally 'round that hope.

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