Thursday, March 7, 2013

Something's Wrong--Doing Something About It:

I'm a long way from being a political activist.  In fact I try to keep the church out of anything associated with partisan politics.  I am, however, a promoter of Biblical activism.  God's people should be looking for opportunities to do good, resist evil, and whenever possible make our world a better place as a result of our passing through.
Over the past couple of days (here and here) STTA has been about some things that are wrong in our world.  Thefirst article referred to the erosion of respect for life seen in the story about the 911 call from a nurse who refused to do CPR on a dying woman because it is against policy.  The second is about the idiocy of suspending an elementary school student for chewing a pop-tart into the shape of a gun, and suspending a high-school student for rescuing a classmate from being shot.  These incidents make clear that when a real ethical system is taken away, the vacuum will be filled with zero-tolerance idiocy.  Way too often what is "zero-tolerated" is good sense.
So, what do we do about it?
When we see culture pushing in the wrong direction--andthese incidents are clear examples of that wrong direction--we need to push back.  God's people have a long history of pushing back.  We pushed back against the culturally accepted practice of letting unwanted children die from exposure.  We led the fight against the evils of slavery.  We oppose modern examples of human-trafficking.  
All around us are examples of the cheapening of human life.  When "quality of life" considerations totally dominate "sanctity of life" considerations we need to push back.  When the our culture acts as if the unbridgeable gulf between animal life and human life isn't really there, we need to push back.  When others ask as if the value of life is determined by how much other people want that life, rather than the value given to that life by our creator, we need to push back.   When others treat suicide as if it is an acceptable way of dealing with life's difficulties, we need to push back.  When bureaucratic, self-serving policies are given precedence over attempting to save a life.  We need to push back.
One Godly lady commenting on the refusal of the nurse to perform CPR, said, "I think I would have just put my job on the line and performed the CPR."  If I have a heart attack, I sure hope somebody like this woman--willing to push back against the trends of our culture--is there to help.  I ask myself, "Am I willing to buck the trends of my culture and do what is right?"
I'll comment on the second incident tomorrow, but for now, 
It's STTA. 

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