Monday, January 27, 2014

Who's It About, Anyway?

Lots of what passes for Christian teaching in our day has to do with success.  God will make us better, richer, prettier, skinnier, more influential, etc., etc., on and on.
Underneath all these claims there is a bit of truth--sort of.
When we live by God's principles there is a change that takes place in our lives.  It affects every part of us.  Food is no longer one of our gods so gluttony with its accompanying results no longer tends to plague us.  Wasteful and destructive habits tend to be controlled so, quite often as our waistline shrinks our bank account swells.  Bad habits often produce bad results.  Deal with those destructive patterns and quite likely the outcomes will improve.  People who seek to live by Biblical virtues like goodness, kindness, mercy, truth-telling are probably going to get along better with the people in their lives.  Other thing being equal it will help their marriage, and make them better parents.
Christianity is not, however, primarily about me. 
The ultimate criteria of the success of the universe is not whether or not life has been good for me.  In the final analysis it is about whether or not God is pleased.  Ephesians 1:6 tells us that what God is doing, He is doing so it will result in the "praise of the glory of His grace." 
So let's learn from God's word, let's follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, and gain encouragement from fellowship with God's people.  There is certainly nothing wrong with enjoying those benefits, in fact our enjoyment of them is part of what brings glory to our Heavenly Father.  Let's make sure, however, that we don't try to pervert the plan of God into something that is all about me.

It isn't.

It's STTA.
Find out more about God's plan here.  Write to find out more.  

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