Monday, October 27, 2014

You Bought What?!


Are we upset in the wrong direction?

Breaking Bad is one of the most popular series on television.  It's the story of teacher who becomes a major force in the methamphetamine market.  I've never watched the show, but critics say it is well done.  It has received a number of awards.
A toy company recently decided to make action figures of the main characters in the series.  The model of the main character, Walter White comes complete with a gun and a duffle-bag full of money and blue crystals.
At first the dope dealing dolls were carried by Toys-R-Us, but after a petition stirred up negative publicity, they pulled them from their shelves.  I'm not sure if it is the official version, or a bad Breaking Bad toy, but I found Walter and Jesse, complete with hazmat suits, on Ebay.
At first, like the Florida mom who started the petition drive to get Toys-R-Us to stop selling the dolls, I was upset with the retailer.  After I thought about it a while my thinking began to shift.  I still don't think it is a good idea, on any level, for a retailer to sell such a product.  However a bigger question began to loom in my mind.  Instead of asking, "Why would anyone sell that?"  I began to ask, "Why would anybody buy such a thing?"  Especially, "Why would any parent buy such a thing for their child?"

Dad, Mom, retailers aren't responsible for the spiritual, ethical, moral health of your children.  You are.

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