Tuesday, August 9, 2016




No, this isn't a political rant, and let me say, right up front, that I have no hard facts to support my opinion,  Here it is, though:
It seems downright un-American for kids to be in school with this much summer left.
Here is something we ought to do. early or not; pray for the youngsters and their teachers, who have already been back to work for a while now, and for other staff who work year round.  Ask the Lord to give ability to the many home-school parents as well.  Children are precious.  They are a gift from God.

Lord, for these young people who are starting back to school, public, private, and home, and for those who teach them, and in other ways work to give them a good education, we ask Your blessing.  Keep them safe.  May the students learn well and learn to live well.  May those who administer, serve, and teach have the wisdom, skill, and compassion they need.  For those who teach youngsters about You, that army of mostly volunteers, we ask for special ability.  We have not learned knowledge or wisdom until we learn to fear You, Lord.  We especially pray that as youngsters learn to read, use computers, do math, and remember important lessons from the past, that they will have opportunity to learn that which will last for Eternity.

And when you drive to work in the morning watch out for the kids.  They might forget to watch out for you.

It’s STTA.

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