Monday, January 2, 2017

Past, Present, and Future: What Remains?

Looking Ahead >>>>>:

Perhaps it is appropriate that with the New Year still in its infancy I am focused almost exclusively on the future. I don't want to sound all virtuous or anything. It's not that I'm all that forward looking, rather calendar and circumstance have conspired to make the next seventy-two or so hours full of preparation for what is next. My wife and I are packing for, making arrangement to accomodate, taking a long--very long--trip to, and saying our good-byes because of a four-month assignment that came suddenly and unexpectedly. 
Just prior to this future-focus phase, I was blessed by a brief visit from my son and his family. Since he has now been out on his own longer than he was a part of my household, his visit caused me to look back into the past a good bit. It's enough to produce chronological whip-lash. Poised between the past and the future I have a couple of observations to make. I find the greatest satisfaction in watching the success of those in whom I have most deeply invested. Likewise there is great disappointment when those in whom I have poured my life don't turn out so well. Investing in others is risky. I find it well worth taking the chance. Therefore my greatest hope for the future is to invest in others today.
At the end of this year I'll be dead or a year older. I'll gain some stuff and loose some some (I hope the loss is around my midsection). Will I have done anything of real value?

Find out about how the Son of God redeems our past, gives purpose in the present, and hope for the future, here.

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