Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Little Boy--And An Entire Culture--In Need Of Help:

As I write there is an international situation brewing over a little boy living with his mother's family in Brazil. Sean went with his mom to visit family in Brazil. While visiting family in Brazil, Sean's mom decided to split from her husband (his dad), obtained a divorce in Brazilian courts, and remarried. About a year ago she died. Now the question is the same one put to Solomon three Milennia ago.
Who gets to keep the child?
The only differences between this case and millions of others are distance and publicity. Hang out in an airport around holidays and you can see it being played out. A visibly upset parent trying to help clearly frightened children, while at the same time holding back their own emotions. It's not how it should be.Adults are supposed to care for children. We can do better.
1) Let's reverse the trend. Childen need a mom and a dad. Let's emphasize marriage and the preservation thereof.
2) Many of us are a safety net in the lives of these children of broken homes. Let's not let them down.
3) Rather than justify the sorry state to which family life has descended in our culture, let's help the next generation learn a better way.

It's STTA.

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