Friday, December 4, 2009

Minarets or Steeples?

"Banning the minaret may serve to hide Muslim influence from view, but it does not address the underlying issues at stake." So comments Al Mohler on the recent Swiss law banning the construction of minarets--the most visible symbol of Islam. The towers, traditionally, are the place from which the muezzin, five times each day, calls the faithful to prayer. In the same way that many church bells have been silenced, strict noise pollution laws prevent the call to prayer from being announced publicly in Switzerland. Still the towers are seen as a powerful symbol of Muslim influence, in the land of John Calvin. Even though there is no similar US restriction, the ethos that compelled the Swiss to outlaw building any more minarets is alive and well here and elsewhere. Ours is an age of symbolism, largely devoid of substance. Where there is no vibrant Christian message that changes people's hearts, we are reduced to lobbying legislatures to make sure that steeples outnumber minarets. When that is the case we may have already lost.
It is STTA.

Click here to read Mohler's article:

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