Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Coming into a cold world:

My church just gave a Christmas gift to our community. Like most really good gifts it was a present that we made ourselves. We presented a Live Nativity, portraying the birth of Christ and seven other scenes. I would say most comments members of my church family made about the event had to do with what a joy it was to share this wonderful story with our neighbors. A close second was, "It is cold." I'm not sure if some of our dedicated volunteers were completely warm for a week.
Yesterday, when some guys were involved in the tearing-down process, between the cold and the wind, it was frostbite cold.
The Gospel of Luke records the simple fact that Mary wrapped Jesus in cloths. She wasn't getting Him ready to pose for a Christmas card picture. Like all babies He had to be kept warm. We don't know exactly what time of the year Jesus was born, but whenever it was He was born into a world that hostile to Him. Isaiah predicts that He would be despised and abused. In Philippians 2, Paul speaks of Him being "obedient unto death, even death on a cross."

If we aren't careful we'll get the idea from Christmas cards and such that the world welcomed its Creator with candles and a warm embrace.
No. It was cold.

It's STTA.

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