Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Messing with the Mess, or Cleaning It Up?

Have you noticed, this world is in a mess?

Natural disasters, made worse by crumbling technology.

Hard-hearted, not to mention "headed" dictators see their positions of power as a means for personal enrichment.

When the oppressed people rise up, too often their movement is hi-jacked by those with another destructive agenda.

The age old observation, "I don't know what this world is coming to!" is certainly apropos.

Is it like the weather?

Everybody talks about it, but no one does anything about it. Certainly talk is not only cheap, but incredibly abundant. The airwaves, cables, and Internet are full of talk. I'm listening to some of it in the background as I type this piece.

I'm glad to say some are doing more than talking. Certainly the dedicated men and women in our armed forces are making an incredible difference, but that is another article, for another day. Right now I'm thinking about those who go out with the Bible being their weapon. They battle for the hearts of people.

Jesus told His followers to go into all the world and seek to make disciples--fully devoted followers of Christ. This weekend at Covington Bible Church we honor those who leave home to take the Good News to places where the folk aren't likely to hear unless they do go. I'm thinking about folk who have gone to regions dominated by modern secularism, to proclaim a two millennia old message that is still relevant. Or, others who have gone to people who have barely emerged from the stone-age, people who still live under the oppression of spirits real and imagined that makes their life dark and fearful. Like the brave firemen who ran into the twin-towers while others were fleeing, these men and women go to places not because they are safe or comfortable, but because the need is great.

But not only do we honor those who have gone, we encourage others to go. Billions of people still have not heard the Good News that "God so loved the world. . . ."

Find out more about CBC's Missions Emphasis Weekendhere. We'd love for you to join us. This world is a mess. Let's do something about it.

It's STTA.

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