Thursday, December 13, 2012

What do you know? Goats really can climb trees!

Ho Ho Ho
I continue to be amazed, and when I think about the fact that I'm amazed, I'm amazed again.  
Let me explain.
In yesterday's STTA, I mentioned going out on a limb--a metaphor for making a prediction for which I really don't have sufficient data, or authority.   I did a quick web search to look for a picture that illustrated the point, and found this shot of a goat on a tree branch.
Don't ask. I have no idea!
It looks so impossible--the branch is so small, and who ever heard of a goat climbing a tree--that I figured it was a really skillful photoshop job.  It illustrated my point, though, so, with the disclaimer caption, I included it.
Dave Barry used to talk about "Alert readers."  I have them too.  One of those alert readers, wrote back and let me know that my picture of a goat in a tree--and again I quote D.B., "I'm not making this up."--really is a picture of a goat in a tree.
16 Goats In A Tree
16 Goats In A Tree
Here is a video of these marvelous creatures doing their limb walking and hopping.  And both the websitewhere the video is found, and another one here show not only their acrobatics, but tell about their place in the economy and ecology of Morocco.
Why should I be surprised at a tree-climbing goat?  God's world is full of wonders.  Why should I think that because I haven't seen or experienced it, it is therefore unusual?  God and His creation are certainly bigger than me, or my thinking, or even my imagination.  
Last weekend Covington Bible Church was privileged to host a three day event for our community--the live Nativity.  I began the weekend with a box of expectations and limitations. 
  • Some of the key people who have been involved in supporting and staffing the event in the past have made choices that prevented them from being involved this year.
  • There is almost always at least one night that is too cold, too wet, too windy, too something for the event.
  • I had watched the event for years.  I had calculated that X number of people was absolute capacity.
  My box lies flat.  All four sides splayed out on the ground; the lid lying in splinters from crashing onto my hard head.  Again I ask, "Why am I surprised?  Is God limited by the limits of my expectations?"

We asked for suitable weather.  God chose to give us three perfect evenings.  We needed adequate personnel.  The CBC family rose to the occasion.  We ended up handling more than 50% more people than I thought possible, and did so well.

I wonder why God makes goats that climb trees, or why He chooses to bless the modest efforts of a group of people so abundantly?  My tentative conclusion is that He does such things, at least in part, to show His surpassing greatness.  For more on that hypothesis, see herehere, and here
Anyhow, It's Something to Think About--knowing you won't figure it out.

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