Friday, April 19, 2013

A Modest Proposal to Solve Our Terrorist Problem:

As I watch the news it appears that two brothers, young men, are the perpetrators ofthe bombing in Boston.  One is dead, the other armed and on the run.  Terrorism, of the  religious extremist variety, seems to be the motive. 
No doubt there will be lobbying for greater scrutiny on immigrants, tighter gun-laws, and better controls on explosives and components that can be used in a bomb.  Some of these proposals may have merit, but I have a better idea.  
What we really need is better parenting.
These guys likely grew up in a home, a home where parents grew up in homes.  As I type a commentator is using the word "indoctrinated."  The values that lead to thinking that planting bombs along the route of a major race is a good idea came from those homes--or at least was not kept out by those families.  As I watch, thousand of police are amassing in Boston.  One cop has already been killed, many others are in harms way.  Most of those officers grew up in homes.  Apparently moms and dads and others taught them virtues like sacrifice and devotion to duty.
Do we want a more secure future?
Raise better children.
Do we want better children?
Raise them in better homes.
Parents are the key!

That brings me to Sunday,8:30 & 10:55.  Pastor Doug Williams is speaking on parenting.  I suppose we could call it a seminar on international security.
I hope you'll come, or listen online, after we post it.

It's STTA 

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