The snow that blankets my yard and covers my house and car (which I have to dig out in a little while), covers most of the Southeast US, and is headed North. Friends further north, who have dealt with this longer, and deeper, expressed a common view: "We are ready for Spring!" Such is the magnitude, in both breadth and depth, of this weather system that it was cancelling airline flights, provoking declarations of states of emergency, and spreading general bureaucratic heartburn even before it arrived.
Here it is. Deal with it. At this point I could get all Theological, and delve into God's sovereignty, and such, but I'll save that for another day. (If you crave such musings on this wintry day, here is one.) Instead I'm choosing to wax thankful and useful.
As I write in the comfort of my warm kitchen, utility workers, firemen, EMTs, and policemen are out doing what needs to be done. I've seen the snowplows go by several times last night and this morning. A "mom of" posted a picture of Virginia Guardsmen putting chains on their Humvees so they would be ready to help. Thank you, all.
When I finish this, I need to go out and see if I can dig my car to freedom so I can keep an appointment. I plan to check on my home-bound neighbors to see if I can be of service to them. On a day like today, a knock on the door, a cup of hot-chocolate, a trip to the mailbox, or even an encouraging phone-call or email can be a great blessing. Instead of spending all day asking "Why did this happen to me?" Let's ask, "What can I do to help?"
Finally, a word of encouragement: My lovely wife says that her favorite passage of scripture is, "This, too will pass." It will.
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