Friday, April 25, 2014

Something to Think About for April 25, 2014:




Gray haired, bad-knee-ed old preachers like are expected to say things like, "I don't know about these kids, today!"  Well I don't.  Just look at some of the stuff I see these kids posting on their Facebook pages:
One young person had had a rough day--a rough day because this student is seeking to live for the Lord.
". . .  people can be rude and disrespectful toward our faith,
but don't let that anger you.
Forgive them . . .  and pray that they realize what they are doing.
Take it in stride, and DONT let this anger you."

Another teen ad this to say about the seriousness of one's faith:
"It's important to me to study my bible . . .
it's also great to be in a church . . . [that helps] me better understand it.
. . .  how blessed I am to be in a country where I can go and learn about God's word freely."
Another young person did what an old hymn challenges us to do--"survey the wondrous cross."
"The Messiah . . . was put on a cross to be tortured, mocked, humiliated and ultimately murdered.
The real suffering was for our sins . . .
God could not look upon his son because of our sin.
We were bought with a price!"
Here are three young people who are seeking to walk with and grow in the Lord.  They are representative of many.  I don't know about these kids.  It is yet to be seen what God will do through them.
It's STTA.

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