Wednesday, February 11, 2015

ISIS, and 50 Shades of Gray, I don't need to see either one do their work:


Closing Our Eyes:

I didn't watch the video of the Jordanian Pilot being burned to death by the ISIS thugs who had captured him, nor will I read, or watch Fifty Shades of Gray.  I already know enough about both to draw the conclusions about them that I need to.  I have heard enough from credible witness to know that the former portrays an act of utter barbarity, and that the later presents a perversion of love and sexuality.  I also tend to avoid sitting in manure piles and bathing in cesspools.
There are folk who need to look at, and even closely analyze the horrible and repulsive.  I sincerely hope that, somewhere in the bowels of some intelligence operation, there are technicians poring over the film the ISIS released.  I hope that as they microscopically examine each frame that they will find some useful evidence that will help bring these terrorists to justice.  Perhaps someone needs to read perverted books or watch movies of the same, I don't know.  I just know it's not me.  I am praying for those men and women who have good reasons to plunge into the filth. 

 "God give them soundness of mind.  Don't let this hurt them." 

I make my choices about the ISIS propaganda film and Fifty Shades . . . for essentially the same reason.  Both of them represent perversions.  On the one had terrorists have perverted the sanctity of life.  For them human beings are totally subservient to their ideology.  They think that some human life--lives that agree with them--is valuable.  Fifty Shades . . . is based on a perversion of love and sexuality.  It puts forth a philosophy that makes caring for another subservient to personal pleasure.  It is love as in "I love chocolate cake."  In the end the cake is consumed, not bettered.
Perversions ought to be avoided, not voyeuristically consumed.


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