Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Dying, Wherever I am:

To Think About

I was discussing death with some folk from another culture.  I jokingly said that I don’t know how to die in their culture.  As we discussed our traditional death practices, we found that there are some practices that are very different, others are quite similar.  For instance in the USA it is common for friends and relatives to prepare meals and bring food to the bereaved.  The practice among my friends’ people is for the grieving family to prepare a feast for those who come to pay their respects.  Both cultures seek to honor the one who has died.
After we discussed differences and similarities we identified the one element that is incontrovertibly the same; no matter where we are from or what our traditions are—everyone of is going to die. 

“It is appointed for men to die once and after thiscomes judgment.”  (Hebrews 9:27)

It turns out I do know how to die, anywhere.  Just keep on living.  It'll happen.  It is an obvious, undeniable reality, yet all over the world people seek to ignore it.  We do so at our peril, deadly peril

It’s STTA.

Read here to find out how to prepare for death, and be ready to live..

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