Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Telling others to just shut-up!

It's old news now.
But, recently the President of the United States decided to call out one of the big news networks. It's kind of like an 8th grade bully taking a ball away from a group of 3rd grade boys. Sure, he can do it, but he had better not leave anything in the hall, or on the playground. His bike tires are liable to be flat, and there will likely be some unflattering graffiti on his locker.
The President was involved in a common human activity. Political correctness is kind of a unionized version of the endeavor. None of us want to hear what we don't want to hear.
Over-bearing husbands command their wives to shut-up, little kids threaten to beat up the name-caller, dictators exile, or execute, those who say less than pleasant things about them, and all of us are apt to read, watch and listen to that which agrees with what we already think.
If we only listen to what suits our fancy, we might miss what we really need t hear. I'm not in the political commentary business, but I do know that the Bible says some things that you and I don't want to hear. If we are wise, we'll listen to it anyhow.

It's STTA.

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