Friday, February 11, 2011

The Confession App:

It should be obvious to readers of Something to Think About that I am not opposed to technology, if--and this is a big"If"--it is used properly. Several times a week I use the technological wonders of a computer and the Internet to send these thoughts to you. I find the Bible study program on my computer and the hundreds of digital books stored on my hard-drive to be quite useful.
Even with my confessed friendship with things digital/electronic, I confess I was a little taken back by the news of an i-phone app to help people confess their sins.
I believe confession is a Biblical concept. Proverbs 28:13 says, "He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper,But he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion. I John 1:9 encourages us with the truth that if we confess our sin, He is faithful and righteous to forgive. James 5:16 indicates that there are times when confession of our sin to another human is profitable.
But confessing to a machine?
When I read some more about the confession app though, even though I don't agree with the necessity of a making confession to a priest here on earth, I could see that concept behind the app might be useful. The electronic tool encourages a person to look at God's standards and compare them to his own behavior.
Sin is a violation of God's law. Holding my life up next to God's standard to see where I have strayed is not a bad thing. If an electronic tool can help, so be it.

So what do I do If I find that my life doesn't measure up? Actually I should say "when" rather than "if." "All have sinned. . . ." (Romans 3:23)

God's standard exists--at least in part--to show me my need. Look at Romans 3:21-31. It is God's intention that my knowledge of sin would drive me to His grace.

Find out more here

It's STTA.

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