Monday, February 13, 2012

Memories of Whitney Houston:

I Knew Whitney Houston Well:

I had many conversations with her, recognized the off-the-chart potential that she had and was thrilled when that potential was was realized.  I warned her about the direction her life was taking, and was saddened as I watched a life that had such promise become a tabloid tragedy.

OK, I never met Ms. Houston, we never talked or corresponded.  While I was awed by her voice I can't even say I was a fan.  But I knew her, or scores of women and men just like her--people of incredible talent, gifts and potential, who waste it and come to tragic ends.

It has been observed that teens and young adults often feel invincible--"My life will just keep on . . ." seems to be the sentiment of so many.  The beautiful, talented, rich, singer who came to a sad end illustrates how illusive true happiness is, and how quickly fullness of life can evaporate.  
  • Decisions have consequences.  Many of the decisions we make--remember Frost's poem about the fork in the road--cut off vast chunks of possibilities.  We ought to be very cautions about making decisions against the counsel of those older, and wiser, who love us.  (I hope you have folk like that in your life.)
  • As a fellow pastor friend of mine says, "It matters who you marry.  It is a subset of what I just said, but the person to whom you say, "I do." and, "I will."  will likely affect your life more than any other human being.
  • There is a gravity that operates in the moral, spiritual, emotional realm that is every bit as real as the one that influences every physical thing in the world.  The direction it pulls us is the same as well--down.  God has graciously given various forces that counteract that negative pull, entities like family, good relationships, education, and, beyond any of those, the redeeming force of the Gospel of Christ.
    Make the most of them.
Thankfully I've also know young women and men who have made wise choices, built solid relationships, and are investing their gifts and abilities in ways that are a great blessing to all around them.  I've known others who started down the dark trail Whitney Houston took, but seeing the warning signs turned around and pursued a new direction.

I knew Whitney Houston well.  I mourn for her death.

You'll find some resources that explains true hope here.

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