Thursday, July 5, 2012


I've heard lots of comments over the past few days about things getting back to normal.  As I drive around I have to wait for traffic signals.  Most folk in my little orb have electricity and water again.  We have gotten notices about various services that are functioning once again.  Buying gas doesn't take a major plan, and I need to put my generator away.

I'm hoping, though, that we can avoid getting back to normal.  

Right before the power came back on at her house, one lady commented about the rare interaction that was taking place among her kids and grandkids--all of whom were at her house.  They talked.  The youngsters used imagination to find things to do--I don't want to use technology to bash technology, but--she pointed out the absence of cellphones, computers, TV, and video-games.  People were engaged with people.
A helpful spirit dominated the community.  Watching people watch out for other people at signal-less intersections was encouraging.  The church of which I am a part was illustrative of many other churches and organizations.  Folk within the church community shared resources and helped, not only with one another, but those outside, as well.  Generators were swapped around, freezer space was shared, and in some cases food that "needed to be used up" was used to feed others.

Let's see if we can avoid getting back to normal."

It had some to do with the fact that I have been preaching about pride and humility, but I heard lots of comments about "God showing us Who we really are, that we're not nearly as powerful as we like to thing we are, and that our "control" of our environment is really an illusion. Our "normal" pride was replaced by a refreshing awareness of who we really are. 

Let's not get back to normal.  Let's do better than that.


1 comment:

  1. totally agree!!! after all, normal is just the setting on a dryer & a town in Illinois..
