Monday, August 27, 2012


Something To Think About

I may be the least mystical
Bible-believing pastor/preacher you will
ever meet.  I'm really suspicious of
"The Lord led me" statements.  When
someone says "God told me," I almost
always inwardly recoil.  I guess I've
been around long enough to see people
"led by God" to places God would never
take them.  Many times my inner reaction
when people tell me what God told them
is, "I know the Lord, I've spent a good bit
of time with what I know He said--the
Bible--and I'm quite sure God didn't tell
you that.

Yesterday, though, I woke up to overcast
skies and drizzly rain.  At times, through
the morning the precipitation was much
more than drizzle.  Thirty percent
chance the weather forecast said.
We had a big event--mostly outside--
scheduled for last night, and we needed
0% rain for two hours.  
God gave Joshua a long day.
Elijah was a man of like passions
as me, and God answered his prayer
about the rain.
I figured there was someone who wanted
rain.  Were they praying?  
Am I arrogant enough to think that my
weather wish is the best for all
who are in my meteorological zone?
Maybe the cause of Christ would be
better served if our event was rained out.
God moves in mysterious ways, His
wonders to perform.
I clearly felt I ought to pray.  I confessed
my ignorance and limitations, but clearly
told the Lord what I wanted.  Jesus said
to pray about my daily needs.
Yesterday I needed dry weather from
4:00 - 6:00.  God told Jeremiah to call
on Him and would show him great and
mighty things.  All I wanted was two
hours of good weather.  I was reminded
by James, "You have not, because you ask not."
So I asked.  I was the guy at midnight
knocking on the door looking for bread.
I was widow pestering the judge.  I called to God.  

We had a lovely evening for our fair.

I'm very thankful that we had blue sky &
sunshine with enough clouds to remind us
of the threat earlier in the day.  But I am
much more thankful for the reminder from
my DAD.  "Son, just talk to me.  I love you,
and I'll listen."

It's STTA.

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