Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Remember What's First

With all of the argument about Gay-rights and chicken, it is important for us--the church of Jesus Christ--to remember what our primary task is.  
We are called to share the Good News of Christ's death burial, resurrection, and the difference belief in those facts makes in our life.  Clearly part of faith involves obedience, and obedience is to the Word of God, which explains a lot about the teaching/discipling ministry of the church--"teaching them to observe all I have commanded you."  (Matthew 28:20) There are times when  we will speak the truth and the truth will offend.

The problem comes when we allow our primary task to morph into an over-emphasis on lobbying, politicking, and boycotting  rather than sharing this good news and helping the converts to it grow.    

We may not be able to keep others from hating us.  Jesus contemporaries hated Him.  Let's be sure they hate us for the right reason.



1 comment:

  1. My son's words were not written as a comment to my post, but they fit well, so I post them here.

    I am hoping that the support shown for Chik Fil A is from a right heart. If crowds are showing up to support a business owner's right to hold to a Biblical Standard, then I am so proud of the crowds! If crowds show up because they "hate gays" or other reasons, then that is just wrong. Especially as believers, we are called to LOVE all people. We dont have to agree with all people, or condone all choices of people, but we must LOVE them. So support our Rights as a Free Country to have an opinion, support a man willing to stand on absolute truth of the Bible, DO NOT support out of hate, or out of wrong intentions.
