It is less than a week until Election Day for most of us.*
I had an interesting conversation recently--interesting not so much because of what was said, but because of the unspoken commentary that was going on in my head. My friend gave a familiar litany of some very real problems. I agree with most of his/her observations, but if I know my friend, and I think I do, her/his vote will be cast in a way that will support the very trends being railed against.
My friend is not alone.
Between now and next Tuesday, let's do some thinking together.
In the American system each of us citizens is not only the ruled we are the rulers. My influence is not great, in a numeric sense, but it
is real. Tuesday, Lord willing, I will vote, and my vote will impact the future of my nation. Bottom line: My vote may be but a penny in an economy measured in trillions of dollars, but it is MY penny, and I am responsible to spend it well. Apparently votes will be cast for a guy who claims to be a time-traveler, and two guys known for consuming strange beverages, one hydrogen peroxide, and the other blood (more here). I think we would agree that such frivolous vote-casting is not good stewardship of our political resource. The problem is, while
such votes will be counted by the hundreds, other wasted votes will be counted by the millions. If we believe, and want for our nation, one thing, and cast our vote in a way that will result in the opposite, that sounds like a waste to me. This will happen all across our land on Tuesday.
Over the next several days, let's look at some questions to ask ourselves. One of the frustrations with political campaigns, debates, etc. is the oft heard complaint: "He never answered the question." We can't fix the dodging of others, but we can agree to be honest with ourselves, so let's begin with a prayer.
Lord, I have the privilege and responsibility of voting in just a few days. I want to cast my vote in a way that is honoring to You and best for my country. Help me to honestly, and fearlessly look at the issues before us. Lord, I pray that truth will come to the fore, and that Your will will be done. Amen
It's STTA.
* I say, "most" because some Americans have already voted, and some you are citizens of other nations. If you are in either group, I certainly encourage you to join us in prayer.
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