Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Perhaps one reason there are so many liar, is there are so many of us who listen to them.

A friend of mine noticed from my web postings that I wasplanning to preach about "stepping out of my comfort-zone."  She knew of a song that she thought would fit with the message.  I agreed.  I used the song to make a video with which we finished the message.  
The song is called The Voice of Truth.  A couple of lines from the song have haunted me for past week or so.  I'm quoting it from memory, so I might paraphrase a bit, but here is what plays in my head:  "Out of all the voices calling out to me, I will choose to listen to and believe the voice of truth."
It ought to be easy to listen to and act on the truth.  It's not.
We live in a world that is dominated by the father of lies.  (See here and here.)  To listen to and act on truth takes determined effort.  Often times lies are attractive because:
  • They appeal to our prejudice.
  • They allow us to do what we want.
  • They provide an easy way out.
  • They justify our continued residence in our comfort-zone.
Acting on truth is courageous, living a lie is cowardly.  The lie might provide temporary comfort, only truth can bring long term security.  We have the volume control.  Turn down the racket of falsehood.  Get in the Word, get with a group of people who are relentlessly pursuing the truth, face the truth squarely even when it looks scary, and then do it

It's STTA.
You can access the message, STEPPING OUT WITH PETER; Out Of Our Comfort Zone, That Is,  athttp://covingtonbiblechurch.com/recordingsofmessages.html The video, which begins with a song by Theresa McCoy, ends with the song-video.
Here is a simple presentation of the truth that flows from God's love. 

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