My first car was Volkswagen, a 62 bug. No one thought of emissions testing back in the day. We burned leaded fuel, and exhaust simply went out the tail-pipe--in the case of my bug two tiny exhausts. It's been over fifty years since my simple little rag-topped beetle came off the assembly line. Somewhere along the line we realized that all that stuff we were putting out in the atmosphere wasn't good for us, and other living things. A whole new technology was born. How can we burn petroleum to make cars go, without spewing out so much poison that we stop people from going? I'm sure the engineers in Wofsburg were not the only ones who asked another question, they just got caught with their hands on the keyboard. "How can we make it look like our automobile gives off less pollution than it really does?" I understand that some neighbors of mine are due congratulations for catching the car-makers in their scam (here). Nostalgia causes me to have a bit of pain. These folk, or "Volk," made my first car. I expected more from them. Though I can say with total honesty that I have never cheated on an emissions test--I don't have any idea how--I have often been guilty of the same prevarication as the Volkswagen engineers. I observe that something in my life is wrong. When I compare my life with the standards that God has given I see that I don't measure up. I begin to takes stock of what it would take for me to change, to actually be better, and I soon realize that this will be hard. It will take discipline and involve sacrifice. At this point engineers and old preachers like me are faced with a temptation.
Being good is hard. Is there a way I can just look good, and get by?
T he guys and gals at VW got caught. That's not the worse thing that could happen. The worse thing is getting by. Then we settle for just looking good, without really being good. But, wait. Really I always get caught. The Lord not only sees what I look like, He sees who I am.
It's Something to Think About.
You can find out how to actually change here. |
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