Thursday, December 24, 2015


To Think About
The Great Opportunity:

“For this is how God loved the world: He gave* his one and only Son, so that  [whosoever]  believes in him will not perish but have eternal life." 
(John 3:16, New Living Translation)

I put the old King James word, "whosoever," in the Bible quotation above.  The word has a bit of a lawyer-ly sound to it, doesn't it?  The word is found 183 times in the King James Translation.  The more recent translations often take the "so" out and simply translate the word "whoever."  I can hear someone looking disinterested, about now, and saying, "Whatever."
Whosoever or whoever is not deserving of a verbal shrug.  The word expresses a marvelous and precious truth.  Actually the Greek word in John 3:16 is a different one than the one translated whoever in some other verses.  The particular word used here is translated every, oreveryone in other places.  I saw a couple of translations that attempted to capture that nuance.  The New Revised Standard Version is one:  "
so that everyone who believes in him. . . ."
In the the realm of Theology there are those who tend to emphasize God's control, Calvinists, and those who place greater emphasis on man's responsibility to do the right thing, Arminians.  Churches and families have split over the differences between the two.  My intention is to give you something to think about, not reason to fight, so let me see if I can put this in terms that both sides can agree on.  To be extra safe, I'll quote from the ultimate authority, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.  ". . . the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out"  (John 6:47)  We'll leave the question as to why some believe and others do not for another time.  (Just reading the verse in its entiretywill help answer that.)  What is clear is that anyone who is inclined to believe--who feels the draw of the Holy Spirit in their heart toward faith in Jesus, the Savior of the world, can believe and the person who believes "will not perish but have eternal life."

At the end of most every STTA you find a link to a page that has a whole bunch of material to let you know more about the application of the Good News to your heart and life.  Today is no exception.  Whosoever is interested will something worthwhile there.  

 It's Something to Think About.

Merry Christmas.
Find out more about this greatest of all gifts, here.  It's available to whosoever.

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