Thursday, December 8, 2016

Pointing To The Void, But With Nothing To Fill It


They're not from Siberia,

It's not an orchestra &

They don't have the answer

It is hard to believe that it was six years ago.  One of my sons gave Kathy and me a very memorable Christmas present.  We were visiting their house, and they took us to the Christmas Concert put on by the Trans Siberian Orchestra, They're not from Siberia & it's not an Orchestra.  The group's homebase was Austin TX, where we were, and this was the last concert on their tour, so they played everything in their repetoire and then some.  I wrote a blog post about the experience,  Here is part of it.

The impression the show gave "was that reality is made up of little girls who don't come home, whiskey, hard-boiled bartenders, and nations at war. We can't stand that. So:
  'If our kindness This day is just pretending ,
   If we pretend long enough,
   Never giving up,
   It just might be who we are.'
   (Promises to Keep,
Like much in our world today, the program pointed to what was missing, but we were left with nothing but wishing to fill the aching void. The first half of the program was like a production of Ecclesiastes, worthy of Solomon, but missing the crucial 'Conclusion of the whole matter' 
(Ecclesiastes 12:13).'
With the exception of some mega-churches with a staff dedicated to the production of mega-programs we cannot compete in creating the mood. We have the real story, though. We need to explore ways get that real story out."
You can read the entire post here.

I'm glad to say that my church is one of those groups that is trying to tell the real story.  FridaySaturday, and Sunday, from 6:00 - 8:00 you are invited to come to Jackson River Sport Complex, here in Covington VA, and attend our Live Nativity.  I think you'll find . . .

 It's STTA.

         For God so loved the world,
that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.

(John 3:16, KJV).

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