Friday, December 2, 2016

Social Credit, Karma, & the Gospel




 In the car, last night, I listened to a fascinating discussion on NPR about a new program in China that is engineered to foster more desirable behaviour among the population.  It is being described as "Social credit."   It's kind of like the system that creates FICA scores in the USA, only on steroids.

The social engineering project is supposed to keep track of a wide range of behaviours that are deemed to indicate whether or not one is trustworthy.  Not only will the database keep track of financial transactions, but also things like how often one calls their parents, or how many disposable diapers they purchase.  All of this data is being crunched by the network, and then based on algorythms the system issues a score.  This score will

have wide-ranging impact on a
person's life. Official penalties for a low score range from inability to get a job, to being required to pay a deposit in order to book a hotel room.  In addition to stick-type consequences, there are also carrots.  Those with higher scores are given preverential treatment in many business transactions.  There are also unoffficial consequences.  Chinese citizens are encouraged to make their high scores known.  Having the right number could be more important than the right look in getting a date with the hot prospect.

As I listened to the conversation I was reminded of another conversation I had earlier in the week.  It was about Karma, the Eastern concept that says each person gets what they deserve.  The book of Proverbs is full of Karma-like maxims.  Those who work hard and save are likely to have more good things.  Those who show themselves to be friendly are probably going to have more friends on whom they can depend in a time of need.  Responsible parents are apt to have well behaved children.  A broad view of Scripture, however, as well as observation of life in this world indicates that Karma is a capricious lady.  Since computers are built and programmed by humans with their agendas and limitations, and those who scam the system are often as resourceful as those who build it, we won't create a system that will significantly improve on what Asaph saw three millenia ago.  

"I saw [the proud] prosper despite their wickedness.
They seem to live such painless lives; their bodies are so healthy and strong.
They don’t have troubles like other people . . . 

 Did I keep my heart pure for nothing?
Did I keep myself innocent for no reason?
I get nothing but trouble all day long;
every morning brings me pain" 
(Psalm 73:3–14, NLT).
As Asaph went on to say (read all of Psalm 73.  Note especially the corner the Psalm-writer turns in verse 17) he is confident that justice will eventually be done.
The real problem, though, is not that, outside of the God of the Bible, there is no system, either mystical or silicon-based, that can perfectly deliver what we deserve.  The supreme problem is that God will make sure that ultimately everyone of us will get exactly what we have coming.  It is a theme that runs through Scipture, but is captured in its brutal reality in two sentences from the Book of Romans:

"All have sinned. . . ."  Romans 3:23
"The wages of sin is death."  Romans 6:23

To gain a greater understanding of those words, read the first three chapters of Romans and Revelation 20:11-14.  If Karma shows up at all it will be to nod approval of God's justice.

I'm way overtime on this STTA, but the good news we celebrate at Christmas is not only is God righteous, He is also gracious.  I'll be back Monday with more, but you can go on, on your own, by exploring this page.  A good place to start is to scroll down to the
 "The Good News About Jesus." 

Until then . . . 

 It's STTA.

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