Thursday, August 24, 2017

Plumbing, real and metaphorical:

It's nice when it

stays in the pipes.

I never lived in a house that lacked running water. I am old enough, though, to remember some relatives who had the kind of water you had to run and get. Much of the world has to deal with unreliable, unsafe water supplies. I am blessed to live in a place, actually places, that have safe water, available at the turn of a faucet handle. It's a great blessing, as long as it works.
Curmudgeon alert:
I know of few things more aggravating than plumbing that doesn't work. The drip-drip, or worse, spurt-spurt demands immediate attention. Make-shift repairs often don't work, and it seems that no matter how many spare parts one has, a trip to the plumbing supply store is unavoidable--sometimes two or three treks are needed.

In its a blessing. When it gets out of its proper channel, running water is a pain in the neck. 

Many good things are that way. Praise, when channeled through the discipline of truth, encourages others greatly. When it overflows and becomes flattery it can destroy character. Rebuke when controlled by love helps the person receiving it to grow. When it is polluted with bitterness it eats away a person's self-worth like acid.

We need to make sure that our good is controlled so it doesn't degenerate into a curse. Keep it running in the right channels.

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