Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I heard a snatch of this on the news a while back, then a colleague sent me this link about the Hutaree. A so-called "Christian" militia group in the midwest. They are arming for a battle that they claim is predicted in scripture. According to the article linked above, the Hutaree
planned to "levy war" against the U.S. government. To incite such a war, the group planned to murder law enforcement officials and then follow up their initial attacks with a separate attack on the fallen officers' funeral(s), where a large number of law enforcement personnel would no doubt be gathered.

When I looked at the Hutaree website I didn't see that plan, but I can't say.

These folk appear to be serious. The story about a member fleeing from the FBI--crawling through a creek and then traveling by car, checking in on the internet at WIFI spots--reminded me of some friends from my youth who were caught up in a similar cultic organization. The sad thing is the communist takeover that my friends felt was sure to come and that caused them to run and hide, never did come. Sadly, their life has decimated by other problems. Could these real problems have been avoided or dealt with had my friends not used up so much time and effort fighting--or preparing to fight--a menace that never materialized?

It's STTA.

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