Tuesday, June 1, 2010


I've probably seen it before--with my memory the way it is I may have received a note signed like this last week--but when I got the email today the signature caught my eye. "Pastor ____ ____ (Ret.)"I have seen that notation at the end of the names of retired military brass. And I notice that even as rancorous as the new media is today, interviewers almost always refer to ex judges, congress-persons, presidents, and governors by the title of the last, or in some cases the highest, office that they held. The (ret.) is understood.Since I'm a pastor who has gotten to an age when retirement, senility, or death are distinct possibilities, I thought about the three letters bracketed by parentheses for a moment. My friend who sent me the email just retired after a long and fruitful ministry. I thought of how glad I am to see him wear that title. He has brought credit to this calling of shepherding God's people. He kept the course and is finishing well. He continues to serve now that he is no longer in full-time ministry I thought when I turn in my notice, I'd like to continue to be known as someone who led the church. I thank my friend for leading the way with such faithfulness and distinction. He makes me glad to sign my name:Howard Merrell (not yet ret.) It's STTA.

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