Saturday, March 17, 2012

It's Not About Me:

Those born in the 70s, 80s, and 90s are sometimes called the "Me Generation."  The demographic takes in my sons, their spouses, and a lot of my friends.  I think labeling them with a title that glorifies egoism is unfair.  I don't say that because young adults don't spend more time in front of a mirror than they should or more money on #1 than is appropriate, but because the issue is not one isolated to their generation.  It is part of the human condition.
This brings me to another one-liner:  recently wrote about the brief summaries that I try to come up with for my Junior High Sunday School class.  In that STTA I mentioned a one-word-er, "Hold!"
I thought I'd explore this a bit.  Here is another.
"God is not an idiot."  (I use that word not to refer to one who is unable to think clearly, but who doesn't, or even chooses to not, act in a clear thinking manner.) It's not about me.
 In the Garden of Eden the serpent offered Eve a way to "be like God."  In essence Satan said, God is holding out on you.  (Another one liner.)  To put it in modern parlance, Eve said, "I'm going to have it my way."  "I deserve it."  and she took the fruit.  
At the other end of Scripture there is a group that rises in rebellion against the King of kings.  Like those envisioned in
Psalm 2 they say, "Let us . . . free ourselves from slavery to God."  
Every generation left to itself is the Me Generation.  God is calling us to be counter-cultural.   It's not about me.  All of creation is to bring glory to God.  (See Psalm 150 for example.)   It's not about me.  It is about Him. 

What am I doing today that will bring praise to my great God?

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