Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Nancy was more right than she got credit for:

Nancy Reagan was soundly ridiculed because of it, but I liked her one-liner,"Just say no." 
It's not the complete answer but it sure is part of it, and it is generally the first step in the rest of the process.  The concept acknowledges that we are not autonamatons, controlled by environment or inner urges over which we have no control.  Saying no may be very hard.  We may fail and have to start again, but we have a will, and particularly if we enlist the assistance of others--Divine, human, and even technological, where appropriate--we can say "No."  
I've met folk who said, and continue to say, "No" to drugs alcohol, tobacco, and pornography.  Every successful dieter has announced the negative to chocolate cake, ice-cream and other goodies.
We may have to do more than say no, but when we are dealing with that which is sinful, immoral, or unhealthy it is a good idea to look that monkey in the eye--since it is on your back, you might have to use a mirror--and firmly and deliberately say "No."
I meet people all the time, in fact I've been among them, who are having their lunch consumed by habits and addictions.  Just say no.
  • Ephesians 4:27 says "do not give the devil an opportunity.
  • 6:11 says Christians have been equipped with what they need to stand against the devil.
  • James 4:7 gives the positive as well as the negative:  "Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you."   
It sounds a lot like saying "No."

It's a one-liner worth remembering and . . .

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