Friday, March 23, 2012

Only One Know-It-All in the Universe:

It's a bit long for a one-liner, but it does have that "keep it in your pocket it will be handy" quality that one-liners need.

If God couldn't do anything I couldn't understand, He wouldn't be much of a god, would He?  

I enjoy and acknowledge the benefits of modern technologies, but hasten to remind you and me that this world, and especially the God of this world is bigger than my mind can envision.  
Modernism was/is--I don't know whether we are living in a new version of modernism, postmodernism, or an era that defies labels--at its best when it recognized the order and predictability that God, Who is infinitely consistent (Immutable), and applied that to the study of and respectful use of the natural world.  From the technologies that have grown out of the understanding the nature of steam, to the complex calculations that are involved in sending back pictures from distant planets, to this collection of silicon, plastic, and copper on which I am typing this message, science and technology have brought us incredible benefits.  When scientific knowledge and technology become arrogance, the notion that we have it all figured out, that is modernism--or call it what you will at its worst.
The Biblical portrait of this world includes a misty horizon. God has graciously told us a great deal about Himself, His creation, and particularly the portion of the creation known as "me."  To extrapolate from that, however, and claim that I know all that is to be known beyond what God has revealed, is to say the least foolish.  If God is truly God then He is the only know-it-all in the Universe.
God does a great deal that I don't understand.  My mind is not big enough to encompass Him, but He has told me enough about Himself so that I can trust Him.  My point of security is not that I always understand.  It is that I understand enough to know that God is trustworthy.
And that is enough.

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