Monday, November 5, 2012

The Election, Questions About Character:

One of the falsehoods floated in recent decades is that character doesn't matter.  Let me be blunt.  It does!  How can you stand in the Lincoln memorial, read those immortal words and think otherwise.
Read the record of the Old Testament Kings.  Their accounts make plain that the ethical direction a leader gives has a profound effect on his nation.  A leader's moral compass will guide a nation to either ruin, or what the Old Testament calls Shalom.
It's complicated.  Political candidates are made up and packaged to look good.  At one time politicians kept skeletons in closets.  With today's armies of researchers it is hard to keep secrets, so candidates have spin doctors to make their faults look OK, and their opponents verbal gaffs sound absolutely toxic.  It is hard.  Let's just not buy into the cynical view that all of them are crooks, so it doesn't matter who we choose, or that technical skill always trumps moral uprightness.
Character matters.
Lord, I have the privilege and responsibility of voting.  I want to cast my vote in a way that is honoring to You and best for my country.  Help me to honestly, and fearlessly look at the issues before me.  Lord, I pray that truth will come to the fore, and that Your will will be done.  Amen
It's STTA.
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