Monday, November 26, 2012

Who is coming to Thanksgiving . . . ?

Something To Think About
All over this land settled by the Pilgrims moms are concerned about Thanksgiving Dinner.  Not,"What they will have," but, "Who will come?"  Clearly, not all the turkeys and hams will be on Thanksgiving tables; some will be sitting around them.
People make thanksgiving hard.  I know of no group of people who made gratitude more difficult than the saints who made up the Church at Corinth.  Can you imagine planning a Church-wide Thanksgiving feast for First Church in Corinth?
Don't seat Charlie near Pete. Pete's suing Charlie over that land deal that went bad. 
What are we going to with Bob?  He's the guy having an affair with his step-mom.  Just don't put any women near him. (SEE HERE)
The rich in the church had no problem in chowing down on delicacies, and bounty while their poor brethren had none. (SEE HERE
And there is more.  Survey 1 Corinthians to find out.
Yet, in spite of all of this, the Apostle Paul begins his letter to the Corinthian Christians with thanksgiving.  If we are dealing with anyone else we might conclude that this was just one of those polite conventions.  "I'm not really thankful, but I'm supposed to offer thanks at this point in the letter, so. . . ."  The great Apostle, though, is a man of impeccable integrity.  He really was thankful.  He was thankful "concerning."  You notice in 1 Corinthians 1:4-9that Paul's thanksgiving list is made up of what God has done, not what they were doing with God's gifts.
Even if I look around the table at turkeys, readyto consume turkey (Please don't quote me if you decide to confront the gobblers while consuming the gobbler.), I can offer thanks. God is good,even to those who don't deserve it.  Hey, that includes me.  
Here is recipe for a better, healthier Thanksgiving.  Cut back on the "They don't deserve God's bounty" accusations, and substitute some, "God is so gracious that He pours out his goodness even on sinners"praise.
It's STTA.
Find lot's of information about how God stepped into our world to meet needs we cannot meet on our own, here.

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