Friday, February 5, 2010

Sipping Tea When We Need A Cure:

I figured it would happen when I went to bed last night.
I woke up this morning with just a hint of a scratch in my throat and a voice that sounds like Sam Elliott. Now if I could just get one of his movie roles.
I mixed up a cup of tea, lemon, and honey. I've been sipping on it for the last hour. It feels good while it's going down, and for a moment afterward, but still I have this tickle that feels like an impending cough, and my tenor voice hasn't returned.
Oh, don't get me wrong--and, please, all you lovely natural-cure type folk, don't flood me with your recipe for a cure--I will mix another batch when this one is done (about the same time I finish this STTA) but I am fairly sure that my cup of elixer, comforting though it may be, isn't going to cure me. A little comfort and soothing is about the best I can hope for today.
OK, no problem.
Unless my tickle becames one of those raspy, raw, painful coughs, and hangs on, and on, and even on some more. Clearly there comes a point when I need to stop sipping tea and sucking cough-drops and actually seek some help. Maybe there is something serious going on.

Every day I see people with something very serious--in fact deadly, in an eternal sense--who are spiritually letting somethng soothing mask their plight temporarily. For the successful agri-businessman in Luke 12 it was his material possessions. For the religionists, who found out too late just how deadly their problem was, it was their good works (Matthew 7:22-23). For many in my day it is the constant stream of distractions that keeps us from focusing on what really matters.

Don't sip your tea too long!

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